[LISTED] Christian Rapture movies you must watch

We came across this list of old rapture films online that have been forgotten for so long, so we decided to make it available to all born-again Christians in the world.

We will continue to update the list as time goes on...

 1. A Thief in the Night

The first of four films about the rapture, presumably involving a big clock, a van, and a woman with a melting face. If that's not scary enough to get you into church, nothing is.

2. Left Behind 3: World at War

Louis Gossett Jnr looks like he's just remembered he's a serious actor with credits like Roots behind him; Kirk Cameron is either on the phone, firing his agent or is somehow using that call to save the Remnant. Which do you think it is?

3. Judgment

The final part in a long-running film series that begins with 1998's Apocalypse. It's got Mr T in it. Who's betting his role isn't quite as major as the cover suggests? Who's hoping he has to say the line: 'I ain't gettin' on no cloud, fool'?


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